Information about pa-rent


Our Purpose

pa-RENT is a community of families who have come together online to share resources. We like to think of it as a ‘family of families’.  The pa-rent marketplace is an online portal that you can visit to lend or borrow all types of equipment for family life. It could be anything from a pram for 6 months, a bike for the week, or a bouncy castle or gazebo for one day.

Our purpose is to make life easier for families, whilst providing a sustainable alternative to unnecessary consumerism. Whether you’re a lender looking to clear some space, help other families, and make some money; or a borrower who wants to try before they buy, travel light, fill a short term need for an item or save money, pa-RENT is the community for you.

Our Vision

The world is changing. Fast consumerism is destroying our planet and our mental health. People are working longer hours, to make more money, to buy more stuff, to impress people whose opinions don’t really matter. Children in particular grow out of, or lose interest in, items so quickly. But what if there was another way? What if you could access items without having to buy them? Now you can.

Going on holiday and don’t want to pack a load of bulky baby equipment? pa-RENT it at your destination. Thinking about buying an expensive pram but want to try it out first? pa-RENT it. Need a Jumperoo for 3 months? Pa-RENT it. Planning a family party and need a gazebo? pa-RENT it. Want to try snowboarding and don’t own a board? pa-RENT it. You get the picture.

Think it’s a bit crazy to borrow from a stranger online? The world said the same about renting out a room in your house to a stranger, but we all know how that turned out…

The sharing economy is growing, and we envision a world where parents can share resource, create space in their homes, support each other and even make and save some money.

Our Values

We want to create a trusted and supportive community. Our users are our family. We care about making their lives simpler, more convenient and more sustainable.  

FOLLOW Our Journey

Instagram  @parent_uk
Facebook  @paRENTuk
Pinterest  @parentofficial
TikTok  @pa_rent
Vimeo  @pa-rent